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Version 0.5.0. What's new?


  • Linting ignores the variables inside save_acquisition
  • New AcquisitionLoop which saves on edit
  • Possibility to save data with setitem on aqm
  • Possibility to precise inside the analysis_cell the name of the expected acquisition
  • Parse config files more easily
  • Prerun hook, i.e. a function that runs at the beginning of each acquisition or analysis.

Linting ignores the variables inside save_acquisition

The title is explicit, now there is no need to write #noqa at the end of each line of save_acquisition, all variables are ignored automatically.

New AcquisitionLoop which saves on edit

Previously AcquisitionLoop did not support saving on edit, or to be more precise, it saved everything every time something changed. This is not normal, so this module has been rewritten and now only saves the part that has been changed.

Usage is the same:

aqm['loop'] = loop = AcquisitionLoop()
for i in loop.iter(10):

Or the same thing in the more short way:

aqm['loop'] = loop = AcquisitionLoop()
for i in loop(10):

Note: In case of any bugs, the old AcquisitionLoop is still available using AcquisitionLoopOld class. But if there's any problem open an issue, please.

Possibility to save data with setitem on aqm

Now it's possible to save data as:

aqm['loop'] = AcquisitionLoop()

Instead of this:['loop'] = AcquisitionLoop()


  • This function is only available inside acquisition_cell and not analysis_cell. Inside an analysis_cell use aqm.d['key']=value to save something.
  • It's only possible to save data and not get it. To get data use aqm.d['key'] inside analysis_cell or['key'] inside acquisition_cell.

Possibility to precise inside the analysis_cell the name of the expected acquisition

Sometimes you have to double-check that you don't start the wrong analysis. Now it's possible to specify inside an analysis_cell which acquisition_cell it should follow.

Suppose an acquisition cell is:


Then, inside an analysis cell:

aqm.analysis_cell(acquisition_name = "measure_1")

It's also possible to use regex syntax: (note: string should start with ^)

aqm.analysis_cell(acquisition_name = r"^measure_\d")

Parse config files more easily

From v0.4.0 it was possible to do something like this to output the values:

aqm.parse_config_str(["a", "b"]) # -> 'a = 123; b = 123000'

But what if you needed to get the actual value? The solution before was:

aqm.set_default_config_files(['', ''])
data = aqm.parse_config()
data['x'] # -> 123
data.b # -> 123

Now you can do:

aqm.set_default_config_files(['', ''])
aqm.cfg['x'] # -> 123
aqm.cfg.b # -> 123000

Note: values inside the config files are calculated once and then cached to make access quicker. Therefore, you should not modify them.

Prerun hook

If you have a default function that should be run before each acquisition or analysis, it's possible to provide it as a hook.

First, define the function:

def check_instruments():

Then inside the acquisition cell give this function as an argument:

aqm.acquisition_cell('measure_1', prerun=check_instruments)

It is also possible to pass a default function for all acquisition cells:



  • It's possible to provide a list of functions or do a mix between default functions and locally given ones.

  • The same possibility exists for analysis_cell. Use prerun as a keyword or set_analysis_cell_prerun_hook for the global definition.

Minor features

  • tight_layout is run by default before saving the figure.
  • Almost everything is tested so hope a number of the errors will converge to zero. Coverage report: 96%.