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Version 0.4.0. What's new?


  • Linting error inside analysis_cell!
  • Function to parse your config files
  • New class AttrDict. Classical dictionary accessible by attr

Parse config files

aqm.set_default_config_files(['', ''])

aqm.parse_config_str(["a", "b"]) # ->  'a = 123; b = 123000'

Units and format

It's possible to provide a unit and a format to parse config function. Use the such structure for the string key__unit__format.


# from config: k = 123.54321

aqm.parse_config_str(["k__ms__2f"]) # -> 'k = 123.54 (ms)'

aqm.parse_config_str(["k__ms"]) # -> 'a = 123.54321 (ms)'

aqm.parse_config_str(["k__2f"]) # -> 'a = 123.54'

aqm.parse_config_str(["k__2e"]) # -> 'a = 1.23e+02'

Warning when analyzing old data

Now when you're analyzing old files using aqm.analysis_cell inside the Jupyter notebook you will see a warning.


Now analysis cell is parsed in the search for a classical error.

It happens a lot that you use by mistake global variables inside analysis_cell, now you can prevent it.

How to setup

You can set explicitly which external variables you are allowed to use inside analysis_cell

aqm.linting(allowed_variables=['aqm', 'plt'])

Or you can parse the init_analyse file. (Normally this is a file which is run before running the analysis cell so you are allowed to use any variables from it)


Note that this function will not look inside if you use import of type from module import *

How to use

After running aqm.linting there is nothing more to do, just run the usual aqm.analysis_cell and see if there are any warnings.

If some usage of global variables should be ignored add # noqa at the end of the line.


Now there is a new class available: AttrDict. It's a classical dictionary but allows to access it by attributes.

Simple example:

data = AttrDict({'a': 123})
print(data.a) # -> 123

Recursive example:

data = AttrDict({'a':{'b': 456}})
print(data.a.b) # -> 456

Feature: Now parsed data from the config files are returned as an instance of AttrDict, so it can be easily accessed.

Minor features

  • SyncData.asdict() -> dict
  • more tests